Deena Knight DESIGNS

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Time to speak up…

Originally posted on Instagram

two days after the murder of George Floyd

S I G H... if you don’t know the names George Floyd, Amy Cooper, and Christian Cooper, please google them (or I’ll add swipe ups in my stories). It’s impossible not to hold these two stories up next to each other. Here’s the thing, why do we see police peacefully disarm white assailants and protesters (even ones who bring assault rifles to Capitol buildings) and murderers (even ones who massacre innocent people in churches and movie theaters) all the time? Only to continuously see black people die at the hands of police? Even if someone is committing a crime or being disorderly, the police are not judge, jury or executioner. Their job is merely to restore the order. Why did George Floyd have to die? He was in handcuffs and no longer a public threat of any kind? And yet, here we are AGAIN. Amy Cooper knew exactly what outcome she intended when she told Christian Cooper she was going to call the police and tell them a black man was threatening her life. She wanted him to fear a George Floyd-type outcome. And she used this threat to attempt to intimidate this bird-watching man, even to the point of changing her voice on the call to sound as if someone was actually attacking her. While her apology claims that she is not a racist, her immediate response to him calling her out (for breaking a dog-leashing park rule) was to play the white-damsel-in-distress-of-the-big-black-man card. Thankfully she leashes her dog, he stops recording and they both leave the scene before the police arrive. Otherwise, who knows what would have imagined had the police arrived on the scene to “rescue” her. What are the chances they would have listened to Christian? Very low, I’d say. It’s not enough to just not be a racist in your own mind...and I love all your supportive comments, but it’s also not enough to just respond to this post. Please, make your own posts too. Be a voice against injustice. And before you say something like: but the police... This is not about black vs. blue. This is about wrong vs. right. #blacklivesmatter We should all be outraged. period.